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Denials Danger Zone: Fostering a Culture to Tackle Denials Management

Denials danger zone

Across the nation, the average denials rate is between 6% and 13%. In June 2021, we surveyed 130 hospital reimbursement executives. Over 1/3 of them reported that their organizations were nearing the denials danger zone: a staggering 10%.

Are you fostering a culture to tackle denials?

In this 26-minute webinar, Lisa Knowles, our Senior Director, Client Solutions, and Brandon Martin, our VP, Client Solutions, discuss the denials danger zone research. They also take a deep dive into impactful takeaways from Fierce Healthcare’s interview with Martin and our CEO Randy Verdino, on denials management.


Kick-start your journey with Harmony’s denials management experts

We’re primed to meet your organization where it is today and help you see around corners for a better tomorrow.

Our flexible approach and iterative cycle of improvement to denials management allow us to customize our playbook to your organization’s needs and collaborate in concert with your team to renovate as required.


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