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5 Tips to Find Your Motivation at Work

find your motivation

When we make a change in our lives, we start with the best intentions and motivations. But why is it just at the beginning or just in spurts? A career move, a new diet, a new relationship – these are all positive changes to better yourself. So why does that flame die out after time? What do you need to help you find your motivation to endure?

When life gets in the way or when we can’t figure out why we’re doing what we’re doing, a sense of drift settles in. The proverbial rut awaits you. We all work long hours, we are away from our loved ones, and we suffer tragedies and stress. But the bottom line is that we are all in control of our effort and output. We are all in control of how we view our own situations.

Let’s look at 5 perspectives to help you feel less lost in your life and stay motivated.

#1) Celebrate what’s right with the world

We’re bombarded every day with what’s wrong with the world. In his TED Talk, renowned National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones urges us to change the way we look at the world. If you have a choice between a world based on fear and one based on possibility, choose possibility.

You may be faced with situations that feel devoid of possibility. But finding a way to celebrate the lessons learned can transform your your reaction. Simply put, change your lens, change your life.

#2) Harness a feeling

Find something that brings you pure joy. Remember that feeling and keep it with you during the day. This could apply to anything: the love you feel being with family, the memories created on vacation, that feeling of accomplishment having bought your first home.

Harness that feeling of joy. Spend time experiencing it and remembering it. Bring it to work with you when you feel unmotivated or exhausted from a challenging day.

#3) Create a motivational dream board

We are all visual creatures. Keep what motivates you in front of you. Fill your work space with motivational posts, encouraging notes from colleagues, and pictures of family. Having a childhood picture on display not only helps to conjure positive nostalgic memories but also helps to remind you to keep childlike curiosity in the world around you.

Make a list of things you are grateful for—no matter how big or small they may be. Create a daily mantra and keep it posted. Set goals and write them on sticky notes for your board.

#4) Start with a positive

Consider waking up earlier than usual to do morning meditation. Several resources are at your fingertips for a guided experience. This does not need to be a lengthy process; even just setting aside 5 minutes of quiet can change your thinking.

Journal what comes to mind during these moments. Two to three sentences simply captured in your notes mobile app can free your mind of what weighs you down.

Listen to inspirational music or podcasts while getting ready for work or during your commute. Let the music guide you out of your lack of motivation.

And should you resort to venting at some point in your day, make sure you end it with a positive. Remember what you have to be thankful for.

#5) Live in the present

Find time to disconnect from your phone and social media. Limit the gossip and the negativity others may project. Remember: you are what you read.

Find something that allows you to be creative. Try your hand at gardening, drawing, or reorganizing your house for a new look. You don’t have to be expert at such activities to enjoying them.

Or maybe you want to volunteer for a cause close to your heart. Clean out your closet and donate what you don’t use. It’s a good feeling to know you are helping. It can help you remain thankful for the ability to do so.

Flex your positive vibes

All the above efforts take time and discipline. Your brain is a muscle that needs exercise just like your body. Don’t stop just because you miss a day; get right back at it!

It is entirely possible to change your perspective. Let your friends and family know you are working on staying positive and ask them for their support. Challenge them to do the same. An accountabili-buddy will make this change even easier.

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