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Lisa Knowles Recognized by OHIMA


Lisa Knowles, Harmony Healthcare’s Compliance, Education and Privacy Officer, has been recognized for her volunteer work for the Ohio Health Information Management Association.

In a letter to Harmony CEO Christian HG Brown, OHIMA Executive Director, Lauren Manson, noted Lisa’s multiple roles supporting their Fall Coding Day, and the 2017 annual meeting. Manson added, “It has been a pleasure to have her on our OHIMA team and we greatly appreciate the excellent job she has done in this role. It is through the volunteer efforts of professionals like Lisa that the organization exceeds the national standard for state HIM organizations. Volunteers bring their knowledge to our state members as well as take knowledge gained back to their work environments to improve the services at their facilities.”

OHIMA is Ohio’s professional health care organization of over 4000 credentialed specialists in the field of health information management (HIM), and is a non-profit state association affiliated with the American Health Information Management Association.

Harmony Healthcare believes in giving back to our communities, including non-profit organizations such as OHIMA.

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