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3 Quick Tips for Practicing Gratitude in Your Job Search

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The practice of gratitude takes just that: practice. It’s something we can easily forget to do each day, especially when we’re stressed, overbooked, and facing personal challenges. One of the most difficult times to remember this practice is when we are looking for a new role in our professional career. But there are ways to find and practice gratitude in your job search.

Sure, being a job seeker is stressful no matter the circumstances. Your resume and cover letter need to be spruced up, you’re worried about the market in your area, and you’re anxious about making a good first impression in job interviews. This is where the power of gratitude can come in and help you reframe your perspective.

Let’s look at 3 quick ways to show gratitude and why it’s essential to the success of your search and for your own well-being.

1. Celebrate what you bring to the table

What skills have you acquired in your career? What educational opportunities have you had access to that will impress your potential employers? What professional experiences have been most exciting and most worthwhile? How do those experiences and your specific talents set you apart from others in your field?

Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. There was surely a time when you wished you could offer all that you can today. Make a list of those things and reflect on how far you’ve come. Practice gratitude for the opportunity to look for a new role where you can let your accomplishments shine. Talk to your loved ones, former colleagues, career coach, and inevitably your recruiter about how what you bring to the table can best translate to a new role.

2. Be grateful for your personal network

Your friends, former colleagues, fellow alums, and family members may know about possible new roles for you. Consider this:

Maximize the number of opportunities and offers that come your way by talking to your personal network about your situation. Use this chance to learn more about what they’ve been doing. Think about ways you can help them in the future, further nurturing your connection.

3. Apply gratitude in your search 

Opportunities are always around us. Sometimes we simply have to slow down to recognize them. Your job search may not have come at the easiest time and slowing down may be easier said than done, but you can make both work for your practice.

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