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Employee Spotlight with Albert Nebati

Albert Nebati

Meet Albert Nebati, Harmony Healthcare Recruiter

1. What keeps you motivated at work? 

The good thing about being in a competitive office is that you must carry your weight and keep up or you will be left behind. I have been competitive my whole life, and this is no different from anything else I have done.

I tell candidates all the time that every recruiter in this office is great at what they do. We have a list that gets sent out to the team that ranks recruiters by categories, and I always try to have the mindset of beating whoever may be above me in the rankings. We all have this mindset.

I can remember a time where a few recruiters and myself set a calendar reminder 2 months from the day to see who had the most business, as we were all relatively new to the company. Things like that keep us growing as a company and keep us pushing every day to evolve ourselves and our business. As the late and great Kobe Bryant said, “Rest at the end, not in the middle.” 

2. Tell us about something that inspires you. 

My parents have been a source of inspiration for me for years now. We’re from Albania, and when my parents came to America, they did not speak any English. They literally started from scratch. My father came to America when I was 5 and brought my mom and me 2 years later. I’ve seen them struggle my whole life, and I try to do the best I can so that their sacrifices are not wasted.

I’ve always said that they are the reason for my drive. It takes so much courage to leave all of your loved ones and move to a foreign place where you know no one and where you have no guarantees. I could not begin to thank them enough for all they’ve done for me.

3. What does success mean to you?

“The key to having it all is knowing you already do.”

I am a pretty firm believer in this motto. Perception of success can change daily. All too often, people base success on what other people would admire them for having. Success should be based on how you have made people feel and how many lives you have impacted.

There are a few things I need in order to feel successful: my parents and my new pup staying healthy, having my amazing friends to share good times with, and having a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a couple of vacations every year. If you can wake up every day and feel as if it were on purpose, I think that is a successful life.

4. Who is your favorite superhero and why?

My favorite superhero would have to be Ironman. As he put it, he’s a “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” The genius and billionaire parts is what really makes him my favorite. To be able to invent basically anything you want and having the money and freedom to do it would be awesome!

5. Share a favorite memory from the last 3 years with us. 

A lot has happened the last 3 years, but the memory that stands out the most would have to be the time I went to the Netherlands with 3 of my best friends.

When we landed, our luggage did not. We spent 2 hours at the airport waiting because the attendants at the gate said they may be late. They did not show. We spent a couple of hours pretty upset, but then we realized that we were in foreign country and luggage issues shouldn’t kill our mood.

So we went out and explored everything we could for over 6 hours that day. It was a blast! We got our picture taken anywhere and everywhere we could and visited the Heineken Brewery. One of the best experience of my life!

6. Create a soundtrack to your life with just 5 songs. 

7. Tell us how teamwork impacts your work life. 

In this office, just as any other, teamwork is paramount. The Account Executives work side by side with Recruiters to make everything work as well as we do. We rely on them to bring us the great roles that they do, and they rely on us to bring forward qualified candidates that have Harmony’s and our clients’ best interests in mind. One side could not function without the other.

Then we have our Client Management Services team members who ensure that we do our part in making sure our consultants have everything to get started on time. They also ensure projects go as smoothly as possible and manage any issues that may arise. Everyone has an integral role to play in this well-oiled machine, and we have it down to a science thanks to all the amazing people here.

This also applied to my time in the Marine Corps. I worked in the communication sector. When we were out in the field, everyone had to play their part in order to be successful. If comms weren’t working, the convoy couldn’t leave. If we didn’t have food, no one could eat. If the supply team didn’t have the necessary equipment, we couldn’t conduct missions. If admin didn’t have the proper paperwork, we couldn’t even leave the compound. If the mechanics weren’t there to fix the vehicles, we were just sitting ducks. Every team, no matter the job, functions like an eco-system. If there is a break in the chain, everything is lost.

8. If you could ask one question to your business mentor, what would it be and why?

What is the most valuable asset in a successful business? I would like to know what things to prioritize in running and keeping a successful company. I would like to be business owner myself one day, and I feel like this would be the first thing I’d need to know and keep in mind through the journey of being a business owner.

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