Meet Erin Gallagher, Harmony Healthcare Channel Sales Executive


1. What’s on your wish list for the next 5 years? 

  • Buying a house & land in Montana
  • Skiing in the Alps
  • Taking a trip to Ireland & Scotland

2. What keeps you motivated at work? 

I am naturally a competitive person, so I don’t need a ton of outside motivation. I work in sales, so of course the financial incentives are motivation. But I also love that when I perform well, it generates more revenue for the company, allowing us to grow collectively and opening the door for more opportunity down the road. 

Erin Gallagher

“The reward for hard work is the opportunity to do more” is a favorite quote of mine.

3. What leadership styles do you work best with? 

I work best with leaders who are tenacious, have high expectations, are very direct, and trust their team to do the work without micromanaging. I prefer to know exactly where I stand and where we want to go but also be given the freedom to find ways to get there. Constructive feedback is huge for me; no matter how good you are, you can always get better, and outside perspective can accelerate that growth.

4. What is your favorite movie quote and why? 

“What – like it’s hard?”

Erin Gallagher

– Elle Woods in Legally Blonde after being told she couldn’t get into Harvard Law and proving everyone wrong.  It’s a lesson that discipline, hard work, and a slight chip on your shoulder are powerful motivators.


5. Create a soundtrack to your life with just 5 songs. 

I wouldn’t say this is a soundtrack, but 5 of my favorite songs are:

  • “Can’t Stop” by Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • “Hard to Handle” by The Black Crowes
  • “Call Me The Breeze” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • “The Best of What’s Around” by Dave Matthews Band
  • “Vice” by Miranda Lambert

6. What is your favorite book?

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

7. What is your greatest accomplishment to date? 

Raising millions of dollars for charity over the last 10 years. Service is a core value of mine, and I have had the opportunity to lead fundraising campaigns and events to support organizations like the Navy Seal Foundation, The Fighter Foundation, Moffitt Cancer Center, Team Red, White & Blue, and The American Heart Association.

Erin Gallagher

8. If you could be have one superpower, what would it be? 

Teleporting. To quote Jay Z, “I got no patience, and I hate waiting.”