Setting goals is a journey into finding your motivation and identifying your objectives. What motivates you? Earning more money? Having opportunities to flex your philanthropy? Adventuring around the world? Reflect on what truly drives you, and then let your motivation be lit with that flame. Sounds simple, right? If only that were the case! In this guide, we’ll look at 3 key steps to achieve your goals that you can put in play today.

Step #1: Ask questions that matter

Let’s look at the big picture:

  • What do you want to do?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • How do you want to grow?

Considering these questions will help you shape your objectives. These are the overarching ideas that can keep you focused on your new goal-centric journey. Think about what you can tackle that challenges you to reach new heights. Google prescribes actionable advice to its employees that take your questions to the next level: “avoid expressions that don’t push for new achievements, e.g., ‘keep hiring,’ ‘maintain market position,’ ‘continue doing X’.” Instead, aim high and be specific about the impact your work will have. Embrace what seems out of reach and uncomfortable.

Step #2: Name the nitty gritty

Setting goals is a good idea, but unless you recognize the finer details it takes to achieve them, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

Writing down your goals can change that. It can help clear the mental space you need to accept new challenges ahead.

  • Why do you show up every single day?
  • What wins throughout your day help you stay focused on your goal?
  • What steps can more clearly define your action plan for long term success?

Jot down your thoughts on these questions as you keep a log of your goals.Then, think about the nitty gritty details and tasks you’ll need to address to continue your growth. Setting lofty goals is only one part of the journey. Follow up by visualizing the details you need to take to make them a reality.

woman writing down her goals

For example, if you have a goal to save a certain amount of money by a set date, break it down by paycheck so that it feels more attainable. Remember: think big and act small. Hitting micro goals can go a long way toward giving you the confidence to reach higher.

Step #3: Accept the challenge

It may be tempting to wait until you are motivated to set a goal, but that mindset may work against you. Flip the script on your approach:

  • Let your goals motivate you to act.
  • Use them to challenge yourself.
  • Recognize how they prompt you to practice discipline.

Research shows “urging yourself on in the second person” can lead to success. Instead of “I can” statements, increase your odds with encouraging self-talk that begins with “You can.” It may allow you to distance yourself from doubt and continue the challenge when the going gets tough.

Going back to the example above, tell yourself out loud that you can save that amount of money by that date. Remind yourself that you can do what it takes to achieve that goal. That may mean no more takeout lunches during the work week. Or that may mean cutting back on frills at home.

Good goal setting creates good habits. Discipline yourself to make those small changes and to create new habits that help you achieve your dreams. Take charge of your challenge. Sheryl Sandberg said it best: “Taking initiative pays off. It is hard to visualize someone as a leader if she is always waiting to be told what to do.”

The bottom line

Accept that sometimes you’ll hit your goal and sometimes you won’t. Embrace the times you miss out as passionately as you do the times you don’t. Both are learning experiences and can serve to further motivate you.

When you are falling off the path, reach out to friends, family, or colleagues for support. Allow yourself to vent and then get back up, craft a new plan, and urge yourself to chase a new dream.

As you continue to steps to achieve your goals, remember this fundamental advice from Stephen Covey: “Begin with the end in mind.”

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  • We deliver solutions differently.
  • We build client relationships differently.
  • We’re focused differently.

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